The Offroad Air Buddy CO2 Tire Inflation
kit makes you more self-sufficient
Here is a Basic 10 lb Kit completely set up. Everything you need to air up your tires. It's up to you to secure it somehow. Could be Bungee Cords, Ropes, various metal brackets. |
Whether you Offroad or not, we've all been
caught with a flat tire, or one running low and needing a way to
inflate that tire. If you're on the side of the road, you hopefully
have a fix-a-flat handy, but that doesn't actually inflate the tire.
For a small leak it might stop or minimize the leak, but you still need
to air up your tire. Instead of searching for a gas station with
a working air compressor, you can use the Offroad Air Buddy system to
inflate your tire. Of course, if you're a 4x4 person or go offroading a
lot, you'll need a way to air your tires back up before getting back on
the pavement. Driving on the road, especially at high speeds, on
tires with a low pressure can destroy or wear out your tires.
Whatever the situation might be, you can use
a Offroad Air Buddy Tire Inflation solution to have a higher degree of
self-sufficiency. You can air up a low tire or air up all 4 tires, run
air tools, use the blow gun to inflate a mattress or water toy, power a
water pump or power your air lockers! We're a small family business in
Houston, TX so we've intentionally kept this system as affordable as
possible, while still providing you with quality parts that you can be
proud to own. You can always get your tank powder-coated if you want.
We partner with PBI
Customs, and they will provide you with a low-cost, high-quality
powder coating if you choose to use them for your tank. They can match
your factory paint for any vehicle.
All of the components in this Offroad Air
Buddy Tire Inflation system have been carefully (and painfully)
measured, weighed, and reviewed, and tested for performance. We have
upgraded each component in every possible way while keeping the final
price for the 10lb kit at $400. We hope our customers will appreciate
the testing and research that has gone into this tire inflation system.
The Regulator for our tire inflation kit produces 9 SCFM (more than
enough to run medium duty air tools) at 90 PSI and the Quick Connect
fitting we use are the high-flow "V" type (extra wide opening style)
that are still backwards compatible with the "Industrial" style
fitting. The Quick Connect fittings are the type that connects easily
by simply pushing in the male end. Even the Bungee cords
represent a lot of research. They are extra durable and the plastic
hooks at the ends have an inner metal core for added strength. Not one
piece of this kit was selected because it was cheap, but rather because
it performed as well as (or better) than the most expensive